Barambah Organics’ story begins with the Campbell family, who began farming in the lush Burnett region of Queensland way back in 1912. The farm is now in the hands of fourth-generation farmer Ian Campbell, a Rural Scientist who specialises in both animal and human nutrition. Ian founded Barambah Organics in 2002 after converting the Campbell family farm into a certified organic farm. That same year Barambah Organics delivered its first bottles of full-flavoured organic milk to eight local stores and around 50 households in the region.

We're proud to have grown into a much-loved and award-winning Australian dairy brand supplying over 800 stores around Australia and overseas. While our passion for making the highest-quality organic dairy in the most sustainable way possible means we're always trying to improve how we do things, our purpose remains unchanged: to give you the best-tasting dairy that's good for you and good for all.